Hotstar, the streaming platform, on Saturday dropped the trailer of the much-awaited crime-thriller ‘Cadaver’. Anoop S. Panicker has directed this breathtaking fast paced thriller which has music by Ranjin Raj. Abhilash Pillai is the dialogue writer. Aravind Singh is the cinematographer and San Lokesh is the editor. Amala Paul plays the female lead.
Harish Uthaman, Munishkanth, Trigun (formerly Adit Arun), Athulya Ravi, Rithwika, Vinod Sagar, Jaya Rao, Vaishnavi Pillai, Pasupathi, Nizhalgal Ravi, Pushparaj and Velu Prabhakar appear in crucial characters.
‘Cadaver’ is a gritty bone -splitting crime thriller in which a Police Surgeon is brought onboard as an Investigation Officer, Bhadra in a clueless case of cold -blooded murder in collaboration with ACP Vishal . The murders continue to take place and the mystery thickens as it deepens further!
The wait is over now. #Cadaver #CadaverOnDisneyplusHotstar #DisneylusHotstarMultiplex @Amala_ams @harishuthaman @ThrigunAactor @AthulyaOfficial @riythvika @AmalaPaulProd @thanzeersalam @AnnicePaul6 @dinesh_WM @SureshChandraa @anoop_panicker @thinkmusicindia pic.twitter.com/IvN228FQJO
— Disney+ Hotstar Tamil (@disneyplusHSTam) July 30, 2022
The case is almost drawn to a close by the higher ups but before that Bhadra ‘ s relentless pursuit of the case brings up a break leading to the unveiling of the mystery and the brain behind!
Read Also:
Disney+Hotstar to premiere Amala Paul starrer and her first home production ‘Cadaver’ https://t.co/XYcnUbM9hI #Cadaver #DisneyPlusHotstar #AmalaPaul
— Navjeevan Express (@NavjeevanExp) July 22, 2022
The film revolves around how she solved a murder mystery and the hurdles she faced while doing it.
The film is said to be inspired by true events in Kerala. The film will be available in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi languages from 12th August.