The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams on Tuesday said the release of its ”evidence” based booklet to prove that Lord Hanuman was born on one of the seven sacred hills of Tirumala, scheduled for Ugadi day today, will now be done on April 21, “the most propitious day of Rama Navami.”
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TTD’s claim on Hanuman’s birthplace at Tirumala Hills creates stir in Karnataka
A committee of scholars constituted by TTD has already gathered some substantial pieces of evidence to prove their claim that the Anjanadri at Tirumala was the birth place of Hanuman and it would take some more months to bring out a comprehensive book on this, a senior temple official said.
He said the committee was trying to get a copy of a book on Anjanadri from The London Library too.
The committee had previously planned to announce Anjanadri as the birthplace of Lord Hanuman, with mythological and scientific evidence gathered, on the occasion of Ugadi, Telugu New Years Day today. But keeping in view that the most propitious ”Rama Navami” falls on April 21, TTD felt this celestial day would be more suitable to prove its claim that Lord Hanuman was born at Tirumala, the ancient abode of Lord Venkateswara, the official said.
On that day, after issuing the raw manuscripts to media persons, the committee and top brass of the TTD, would make an announcement on the topic, he said.
In December last, TTD Executive officer K S Jawahar Reddy had constituted the high-level committee of scholars from various fields to study and gather substantial pieces of evidence to establish that ”Anjanadri,” one of the seven hills at Tirumala, is the birthplace of Lord Hanuman, the official added.
The TTD’s claim on the birthplace of Lord Hanuman has created a stir in religious and archaeological circles in Karnataka as Hampi near Ballari is considered ”Kishkindha Kshetra” or monkey kingdom for ages.