Tamil Nadu government on Sunday said two patients who had tested positive for COVID19 with overseas travel history, have reported negative for the virus and have been discharged.
Tamil Nadu has reported 42 cases of coronavirus with two of them already being discharged and are currently under ”home quarantine.” State Health Minister C Vijayabhaskar said two patients after returning from the United States were admitted at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital for COVID19 positive.
The duo hailing from Porur were discharged on Sunday, he said adding they have recovered from illness and tested negative “twice”. He said the duo would be in home quarantine for the next 14 days.
#update: 2 Pts US return admitted at #RGGH for #Covid_19 +ve, from Porur is discharged from hospital today. They have recovered from d illness & tested negative wice.They will be home quarantined for next 14 days. I appreciate the Dean & team who took care of d Pts. @MoHFW_INDIA,” the minister said in a tweet.
The first COVID19 positive case in Tamil Nadu, a 45- year old engineer with a travel history to Oman has been discharged from Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital after he recovered.
Another 20-year old individual hailing from Uttar Pradesh who had travelled from New Delhi by train and tested positive for coronavirus.
He was later discharged from RGGH after test results returned negative following treatment.
A 54-year old man died in Madurai on Wednesday, making it the first coronavirus death in Tamil Nadu.