The week that had passed was full of action for the men in uniform, guarding our national frontiers, right from the glaciers in Siachen to the sprawling wide coastline of Indian Sea Coast, be it in air, on water or on land, the week kept the men in uniform busy and in action.

It all begins with an act of benevolence, gesture of philanthropy and finally taking pride for being indigenous in strengthening nation’s fire power and combating capabilities, from air, from water and from land.
Right from donating blood till saving lives of a foreign national, the men in uniform displayed valor and humility.
Motivating the man guarding the frontiers in the spine chilling cold, till the budding aspirants and the airmen in service of the nation, the leaders ensured that they remain motivated and charged-up and so visited the bases in North and in East.
Glimpses of the The United Colours of Indian Armed Forces during last week
The week where Chief of Army Staff of India, visited Siachen Glacier and the Chief of Air Staff visited the bases in Eastern Sector, to motivate the men guarding the national frontiers.

Equally Indian Coast Guard was on a call of duty to rescue a Myanmar Citizen off the coast of Porbandar and evacuated him safely for further medical treatment.
The Chief of Air Staff visited the Republic Day Parade Camp at Delhi to motivate the aspirants keen to make their career in Armed Forces and interacted with the budding young aspirants who were the Cadets of National Cadet Corps (NCC).
The surprise came when the Arabian sea felt the Turbulence in air and it was the maiden landing of Naval version of Light Air Combat Aircraft (LCA), which after completing extensive trials on the Shore Based Test Facility did a successful arrested landing and take off onboard INS Vikramaditya on January 11 and 12 respectively. Courtesy: datelinegujarat.blogspot.com