Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Monday called the COVID-19 vaccination drive a success and said no serious adverse reaction case had emerged from anywhere in the state.
Some 12,000 people in priority groups were vaccinated in Gujarat on January 16, the first day of a nationwide inoculation drive.
Though some vaccine beneficiaries in Rajkot complained of adverse effects, Rupani said. “Vaccination usually triggers some kind of reaction in the body. However, no serious case has emerged in Gujarat so far. There is absolutely no reason to worry and beneficiaries are being monitored by officials. Vaccination was a total success in Gujarat.”
Earlier in the day, officials said around 50 of the 100 people vaccinated in Rajkot Civil Hospital complained of headache and fever.
However, Dr Umed Patel, members of the Adverse Monitoring Committee for Rajkot, said. “Some 10-12 hours after getting the vaccine, 50 percent beneficiaries developed minor adverse reactions, such as fever and headache. But, no one is serious. These are normal complications and can be cured with paracetamol.”
After a break, the vaccination drive will resume on Tuesday in the state.