The commercial taxes and registration department in Tamil Nadu has achieved the all-time highest in terms of revenue generated during the 2021-22 financial year, the state government said on Friday.
Minister for Commercial Taxes and Registration P Moorthy, in an official release, said the revised budget estimate for 2021-22 was fixed at Rs 96,109.66 crore and the target was achieved on February 15.
“As of March 24, 2022, the commercial taxes department has generated revenues of Rs 1,00,346.01 crore”, he said.
The registration department had set a target of Rs 13,252.67 crore under the revised budget estimate for 2021-22 and has breached it on March 23, 2022.
As of March 24, the registration department has collected revenue of Rs 13,406.51 crore, he said.
Following the increase in revenue, the commercial taxes and registration department during the current financial year has surpassed the projected revenue target and achieved the feat, the release added.