Sitting pretty well on the success of his home production Ponmagal Vandhal, the first Tamil movie released on the OTT platform, the Singham actor Suriya is getting ready to roar again in two different avatars soon. With his action-thriller Soorarai Pottru to release soon after the lockdown, the actor has other films in his kitty to shoot like Vetri Maaran’s Vaadi Vaasal and Hari’s Aruvaa.
#GV75 will be special .. pre work for #Vaadivaasal has already started for audio work … with my most powerful combination @VetriMaaran …. @Suriya_offl @theVcreations .. the sound will be unique 🔥👍
— G.V.Prakash Kumar (@gvprakash) April 14, 2020
According to Kollywood sources, the actor is likely to start the shoot of Vaadi Vaasal immediately after the government lifts the lockdown. Actor’s fans are very much anxious to know from the actor, which project, he will take up first.
How many of u eagerly waiting to witness d kolaveri movie #Vaadivasal directed by one of d finest director of Thamizh Cinema Thiru.@VetriMaaran 🔥n acted by multi- talented ever charming hero Thiru.@Suriya_offl ❤.
When it come to music he nails it @gvprakash 🎶 @cinemapayyan pic.twitter.com/ifQ0IJ8C4L— Sankarganesh_Lovepeace🇮🇳MNM (@SankarganeshLo1) July 4, 2020
Earlier, it was reported that Suriya might simultaneously shoot both the films, but later changed his mindset as his look from Vetri Maaran movie is a more demanding one and cannot be changed time and again. However, an official confirmation has not been made about the same by the producers.
Bankrolled by Kalaipuli S Thanu, Vaadi Vaasal is a story that revolves around a young man who is on a mission to suppress a bull that killed his father in Jallikattu. The highly anticipated movie will have music composed by GV Prakash. On the other hand, Suriya is teaming up with director Hari for the sixth time for Aruvaa. To be produced by KE Gnanavel Raja under the banner Studio Green Pictures, the thriller will have D Imman compose songs and bgm.
Suriya’s action thriller Soorarai Pottru recently got a U certificate from the censor board. The film helmed by Sudha Kongara is based on the life of Air Deccan founder GR Gopinath. Malayalam actress Aparna Balamurali will be seen romancing Suriya in the movie, bankrolled by 2D Entertainment and Shikya Entertainment. The action-thriller will also feature Paresh Rawal, Urvashi, Sampath Raj, Karunas, Mohan Babu, Jackie Shroff, Achyuth Kumar and Vivek Prasanna in pivotal roles. Soorarai Pottru music has been composed by GV Prakash Kumar, whereas the camera has been cranked by Niketh Bommireddy.