ZEE5 India’s largest homegrown OTT platform, on Tuesday announced the world digital premiere of ‘Ayothi’. Produced by Trident Arts and written and directed by debutant R Manthira Moorthy, the critically acclaimed Tamil film stars M Sasikumar, Preethi Asrani, Yashpal Sharma and Pugazh in pivotal roles. With an IMDB rating of 8.5, Ayodhi received rave reviews during its theatrical run and is now set for its world digital premiere on ZEE5 on Friday, 7th April 2023.
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Ayothi: Rise above religion, caste and put an end to superstitions, chauvinistic attitudes
The film revolves around a family of four who decide to take a trip from Ayodhya to Rameswaram. During the road transit, the chauvinistic patriarch Balram (Yashpal) misbehaves with the driver, leading to an altercation and the death of Balram’s wife. The rest of the story depicts the sufferings of the two children at the hands of their extremely religious father and how two men, (characters played by Sasikumar and Pugazh) who happened to be friends with the driver, help the children take their mother’s body to their hometown despite all odds.
- Written and directed by debutant R Manthira Moorthy, the action-drama film is all set to stream on ZEE5 in Tamil!
- Preethi Asrani, Yashpal Sharma and Pugazh also play pivotal roles
- The one-of-its kind film addresses various issues such as religion, superstitions, chauvinistic attitudes of men, and more.
- The film has the right mix of human values and will boost your faith in this journey called ‘life’: M Sasikumar
The one-of-its kind film addresses various issues such as religion, superstitions, chauvinistic attitudes of men, and more. Also, language, geographical and religious politics play an important role in the film’s arc. While composer NT Raghunanthan’s background score elevates the emotional sequences to another level, Madhesh Manickam’s striking cinematography captures the look and feel of Ayodhya and Rameswaram beautifully.
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Manish Kalra, Chief Business Officer, ZEE5 India said, “At ZEE5, we take pride in delivering quality entertainment to our viewers and our Tamil content is also gaining attention across India. We have been showcasing narratives with different genres, exceptional talent, high-quality production and vivid formats. And we are happy to announce the premiere of our next film – Ayothi. The film is a deep exploration of faith which promotes ‘Oneness’ and ‘Inclusion’. We look forward to present more such stories that will connect with our audience while entertaining them.”
Actor M. Sasikumar said, “I feel honoured being an integral part of ‘Ayothi’ which has such an interesting premise. The film has the right mix of human values and will boost your faith in this journey called ‘life’. The storytelling is vivid, and I would want a larger set of audience to witness it. With its release on ZEE5 that caters to 190+ countries, I am sure that will be taken care off. I cannot wait for viewers to experience the enriching tale – Ayothi.”
Preethi Asrani said, “Getting under the skin of Shivani was a truly a surreal experience. The story of ‘Ayothi’ is very captivating. Through the OTT release, I am glad the film will enlighten more viewers. The incredible storyline will transform your mind. It is something you can watch with your friends and family both.”